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The benefits of learning a foreign language in business and daily life

There is a common truth which says, that each foreign language we speak opens another door in our personal lifetime history. This truth is especially useful in lives of modern teenagers and young adults, that are obliged to study language forms and practice explicitly from the beginning of their primary education.In this essay the advantages arising from learning a language according to both business and daily needs are enumerated and elaborated.

First and foremost, each foreign language that is spoken enables a person to start new relationships. Knowing a language makes it possible to make friends among people with similar interests and aims, either via the Internet or during face-to-face meetings and journeys conducted abroad. A person who knows so called lingua franca language – a foreign language that is understandable for a majority of communities worldwide – can find their place in any country of their choice. Moreover, the chances for starting an international romantic relationship are not without significance – the issue is mentioned in the fourth paragraph of the essay.

What is more, a new language can signficantly make it easier to acquire new customers and businness partners. A company, that values immaculate reputation finds a duty in investing in language development of its employees. It is not a rare requirement nowadays that a potential employee ought to know at least one foreign language at a level that allows to communicate fluently- a growing number of external investors demands from each company to have language abilities at high standards.

Several people acquire new speech for romantic reasons. Sometimes it happens that a man falls in love with a woman from a different country – if he is determined enough to develop the relationship, he would start a language course to improve or even possess obligatory abilities to communicate with his girlfriend and the other way round.

Summing up, learning new languages is crucial for today’s existence. It is beneficial for a typical XXI century consumer of the culture, a qualified worker and an enthusiastic traveller. Any language competence that a person possesses brings them closer to achieving their goals. The capital expenditure made in shaping mental health, improving personal “word bank” and extending the overall language performance is definitely worth the discipline, mental and financial efforts it requires.

Artykuł opublikowany w ramach konkursu pisarskiego „Język w biznesie i życiu”

Autor: Julia Grabska

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