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Write your own fairy tale – about the art of changing perspective

Once upon a time, there lived a little girl who had two big dreams. She dreamed of becoming a medical student and flying to the United States. She was incredibly determined to achieve her goals and never stopped striving for them. However, life is not a fairy tale, and things turned out completely differently. It turned out differently and in its essence became the truest fairy tale. Dear Reader, that little girl is me. I have always had a clear vision of my future. In my imagination, right after high school, I would get into medical school and visit New York, and everything would be beautiful. Unfortunately, nothing unfolded as I had planned. Despite the amount of effort I put into getting into medical school, I couldn\’t make it. I was overwhelmed by the expectations I had for myself and the unsupportive environment I found myself in. I couldn\’t appreciate myself regardless of what I had achieved. All the signposts became blurred. That\’s when I flew to a school in San Francisco with the money from a scholarship. It was a city about which I knew very little, despite my love for the United States. What did the journey enrich me with? The journey allowed me to study at the International Language School, which is part of the International Business School. I successfully passed the exam and obtained a C1 language certificate, and I expanded my vocabulary as much as possible. As a result, upon my return, despite the lack of higher education, I was offered a job at the Municipal Office, which I passionately continue to do to this day. Language is often necessary in my work. It was especially useful when I became an administrator of a newly created website for potential investors, which I translated into English. Unexpectedly, a Canadian entrepreneur also contacted me and offered me a job in internet marketing. During the adventure of my life, I also met incredible people, including my love, my better half. It was an extraordinary encounter, like the ones you find in fairy tales, but that\’s a story for another time. Above all, I found myself and an undeniable love for languages that was just waiting to be discovered. I want to convey to each of you that the world is full of inspiration, full of stories of people, places, and events that are just waiting to be experienced. For almost a year now, I have been using the English language every day, and I have never been happier in my life. You can always desire more. You can desire to travel, meet amazing people, develop professionally, or find your sense of self-worth, regardless of the stage you are currently at in your life. That hunger never fades away. Don\’t be afraid to take that first step. Your adventure starts today, and you decide how the language that surrounds you at every step will guide your life. And how did my story unfold? My story is ongoing. The princess has her Prince on a horse, her own kingdom, and she is still waiting for a castle in a distant land, which she will reach like a safe harbor after etiquette lessons, or rather, the studies that still await her. I am convinced that your own fairy tale is waiting for you too. Just write it. If you learn the language, there will be nothing in life that you won\’t be able to achieve. “If you have decided on something, take the first step. And don\’t be afraid to take the next one. Fear inactivity. Set a goal for yourself and remove everything else from your mind” – Andrey Djakov. That\’s what I wish for myself and for all of you!

Artykuł opublikowany w ramach konkursu pisarskiego „Język w biznesie i życiu”

Autor: Justyna Wołek

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