biuro tłumaczeń skrivanek

Translation of articles for the fashion industry

tłumaczenie artykułów

Timeless style, the latest fashion trends, and unmistakably elegance. They can have it all! But who might they be? Our clients from the fashion industry, of course, who have shown that they trust the quality of our services. One of them decided to give us the responsible task of translating articles for the Polish branch of a world-famous fashion magazine.


The project proved to be a challenge, as the client needed translations from five languages, namely English, German, Spanish, French and Italian. In addition, our client precisely defined their requirements and wished to personally select the translators who would undertake this extremely important project.

After obtaining insight into our client’s needs, we immediately set to work. From each of the languages listed, we selected three or four translators whose qualifications, experience, as well as references, indicated that they would be suitable candidates to work on a task which is both highly creative and carries a significant level of responsibility.

Each of these translators performed a sample translation of the articles we received. All of the texts were sent back to the client within the agreed-upon deadline, so that they could choose the ones with the style that best suited the magazine’s profile. All the samples were appreciated by the client, and from among them they selected the ones they thought were the best. The selected translators were then granted the status of approved suppliers and we included only them in the work on the project.

Since then, our client has continued to be satisfied with the quality of our services, and has not hesitated to entrust us with assignments concerning this important topic. We carry out multilingual translation projects for them, and our translators excel in fulfilling the tasks they are given.

We are delighted that our work is producing such excellent results. The client values our personalized approach in customising our services to match their specific needs. The translations appeal both to them and the readers of the magazine. They convey not only the content, but also the style and emotions present in the original texts. Thanks to the project, our client has expanded their market presence and gained new readers, customers and business partners.

If you are looking for a partner in the translation industry who can provide you with not only excellent quality from start to finish, but also comprehensive assistance and an individual approach to your projects, we encourage you to contact us. We are always ready to help you achieve international success. In a spectacular fashion!

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