Do you need desktop publishing services (DTP)?

Desktop publishing is all about preparing your documents for printing and other purposes. Our desktop publishers ensure that the translated texts get the right formatting and graphic design for use in brochures and other printed materials. Desktop publishing tools are also used when you want your translated text to have the same format and layout as in the source files. Our DTP team uses high-end desktop publishing applications that streamline the translation process and ensure print-ready documents that are additionally verified by our quality assurance team.
In this way, you get translations that have all the right formatting, fonts, typesetting and layout. Desktop publishing is a vital addition to our translation services! Discover our DTP services, and order the one that meets your needs.
We provide DTP services for almost all file formats used in documents and publications, graphic design and other types of content. Some of the file formats that we work with include:
js, sys, asp, aspx, pdd, psd, csv, epub, svg, lang, htm, html, xhtml, jsp, json, doc, docx, pdf, odt, rtf, txt, wiki, XML and many more.
Take a look at the full list of accepted file formats. If you have a file that’s in a different format – feel free to ask us about it. Most likely, we will be able to help you with it!
Do you need DTP services? Write to us!
If you need to translate a non-editable file into a different language and it has a relatively simple layout or structure (no complex tables, diagrams or columns), then simple desktop publishing services are all you need. They work equally well when the fidelity to the source file is of little importance. In this case, diagrams, technical drawings and similar elements can be translated using a legend, and the layout will be reproduced in a simplified way allowing for comparison between the corresponding segments in the source and translated texts.
If you can provide the source file along with the component files used to create the document in some form of graphics software, we can accurately reproduce the layout, colours, backgrounds and other elements of your document, meaning that the translation will be structured like the original. We can work with almost all file formats to ensure the project is of the highest quality. Simply put, the outcome looks exactly like the source; the only difference is that the content has been translated into another language.
Graphical processing of documents
Desktop Publishing (DTP) involves all the processes related to the preparation of a text for publishing in other languages, both in print and online. It also covers the conversion of increasingly popular non-editable documents into an editable format. This speeds up the translation process while at the same time enabling future editing and updating.
Skrivanek’s DTP department offers the graphical processing of documents (such as guides, manuals, catalogues or leaflets) in many languages. Our experts make sure that, following the translation into your choice of language, the layout of the text matches the original document as closely as possible. If you want, you can also receive editable versions of your materials for implementing future changes on your own, without the need to involve a graphic designer.
Advantages of advanced DTP:
- The translation can faithfully reflect the structure of the original document, including all its graphical elements, such as photographs, Excel charts, screenshots, backgrounds, colours, etc.
- The file with the translated content is editable using graphics software (e.g., Photoshop, InDesign etc.), allowing for future updates and changes.
- The resulting document looks professional, allowing you to showcase it to your business partners.
We are able to accurately reproduce the layout of your document!
What kind of services do we offer?
Our translation services vary widely. We provide translation and proofreading services, certified translations, machine translations, consecutive and simultaneous interpreting, support for international conferences, website and software localisation, transcreation, DTP, verification and in-house checks, dubbing and voice-overs. Our clients value us for our comprehensive services and rigorous quality assurance.
What documents do we translate?
Depending on your needs, we can translate all necessary document types, such as corporate publications, contracts, agreements, terms of reference, tender specifications, instructions, marketing literature, financial reports and statements, clinical trial documentation, laboratory test results, medical opinions, and much more.
what does ordering desktop publishing services involve?
Our role is to make the whole process as quick and seamless as possible. All we need from you are the source files that you want to translate and prepare for publishing, along with information about your expected outcomes. Depending on your requirements, we can either apply the simplified or advanced DTP process. The rest is all down to us. Sometimes we might ask you for additional information concerning your order, but usually you’ll just receive the print-ready documents, ready for you to send to your printing house or internal marketing department.
in Which industries do our expert focus?
We specialise in many industries, including finance, banking, construction, engineering, human resources (HR), payroll, law and the judiciary, agriculture, forestry, machining, medicine, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, marketing, advertising, trade and related services, tourism, leisure, state administration, insurance, IT, fashion and art.
What does it take to order a translation service?
Just send us your file(s) by email or via our online form to get a free quotation, and then accept the cost of the services that we have provided. You need to provide information on the target language (or languages) so that our client support team can provide you with an accurate offer.