biuro tłumaczeń skrivanek

SEO translations for a foreign language learning company


Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO, is an extremely useful and increasingly popular tool for customers to ensure that a website can be found quickly and easily using keywords. At Skrivanek we increasingly receive orders in which we translate or include keywords in texts ordered by the customer to allow traffic to be brought to the website, not only in Polish, but also in the foreign languages that the customer’s require.


Keywords are more than just single words, they are also the multi-word phrases found on websites. When a keyword is entered, it can guide the internet user to a website that uses these keywords. The reliable translation and use of keywords is extremely important, which is something we at Skrivanek focus on by partnering with qualified translators and proofreaders in many different language combinations.

In order to ensure that keywords are appropriately selected, we can also carry out keyword analysis at your request. By using the right tools, we are able to assess how strong a particular keyword is in a given market, and whether it is worth attempting to position a particular page using it.

One of our customers from a language learning company asked us to translate texts from Russian to Polish. In these texts, they included detailed and specific keywords in Polish, and emphasised that these words had to remain in an grammatically unchanged form, i.e. in the denominator. The task was therefore not only to translate the content of the documents correctly, but also to skilfully structure the sentences around the keywords so that they were grammatically and factually correct. This was a demanding task due to the need to keep the keywords in their original form and to match entire sentences to these phrases. However, thanks to the partnership with trusted and experienced suppliers, the order was completed according to their guidelines, who spoke positively about our work:

The suppliers did a great job with the difficult task of making the translated pages sound as fluent as possible within the constraints of using strictly defined keywords.


One of our specialities is the preparation and translation of keywords, or SEO. If you want to ensure traffic to your website, then feel free to use our services. We provide quality translations through our partnerships with translators and proofreaders who are competent in many fields, and ensure that your preferences are respected.

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