biuro tłumaczeń skrivanek

Post-editing Translation

Post-editing Translation

Our customer, a company specialising in the implementation of vulnerability detection solutions, compliance research, and risk measurement accompanying ICT systems and networks, approached us with a request to prepare a post-editing translation quote in the EN-PL combination due to an urgent need to translate a contract from English into Polish. It is worth noting that they contacted us using the contact form on our website, an option that facilitates quick communication in the case of express orders.

Post-editing Translation

We started our task by examining the customer’s needs. We prepared an estimate in three different options: raw machine translation, light post-editing and full post-editing. They chose the full post-editing option and, since time was of the essence, we executed the order in an express mode.

They also sent us one file in an editable format, which also contributed to the shortening of the task performance timeframe.

Despite the substantial amount of material and the very tight deadline, we successfully prepared the file for post-editing in a short time, thanks to the use of CAT tools and a machine translation engine. Subsequently, the translator began work, performing full post-editing in line with the customer’s expectations.

After completing the post-editing, the translator sent the translation back to the project manager, who then conducted an internal quality control to ensure the target text was consistent with the source version.

Thanks to the project manager’s commitment and access to new technologies, such as machine engines and CAT tools, the project was successfully completed, despite its large volume and short deadline.

Contact us if you need a professional translation of a contract or other company documents in an express mode. Never hesitate, write to us!

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