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How to Write Better Copy for the Web


Good copywriting should not use jargon, hyperbole, or exaggerated promises. Instead, it should speak to the reader in human terms.

It should clearly explain the product, its features, benefits, and how it helps people. Don’t be afraid to include personal experiences and stories to make your copy more compelling.

Good copywriting doesn’t need hyperbole or jargon

When writing copy, avoid overusing jargon and hyperbole. Instead, focus on your message and the benefits it provides. In this way, your copy will be clear and straightforward. The main goal is to make every word count. After all, words are the soil and seed of your marketing campaign.

For example, you can use jargon in headlines, but it will only be effective if the copywriter knows how to use it in the right way. For instance, a popular slogan is “Eat a bowl of sunshine” – an example of a metaphor. Another great technique is metonymy, a form of associative connection. It can spice up headlines and copywriting and make your message more direct and more powerful.

Your message should have a clear goal and a call to action. It can be in the form of a sales page, e-mail, or advertisement. A clear goal will keep your audience interested. An unclear goal is unlikely to generate results. It may also lead to a paradox of choice and overwhelm the reader with too much information.


It should speak to the reader in human terms

Great copywriting tries to convince the reader to take a certain action by appealing to their emotions. It avoids using industry-specific terms, and speaks to the reader in terms they can understand. This way, your copy will be understood by a broader audience. However, it is important to keep in mind that copywriting is not as simple as delivering the product or service to the audience.

It shouldn’t contain jargon or hyperbole

When writing copy for the web, jargon and hyperbole can come off as over-the-top. It can also put readers off. Although using industry-specific jargon can lend a sense of authority, overusing it can alienate readers and make your content difficult to read. Instead, stick to the facts and try to make your copy as easy to read as possible. Then, use hyperbole and jargon sparingly and only use them as a last resort.

It shouldn’t include exaggerated promises

The best way to increase the credibility of your copywriting is to avoid overstating your claims. People have a sixth sense when it comes to scams, and an over-the-top promise will set them off. Similarly, people can spot genuine enthusiasm when they see it. You should write from your heart instead of using hyperbole or cliches.


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