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AI virtual assistant

AI virtual assistant, AI voice assistants
AI virtual assistant, AI voice assistants

Are you aware that you are witnessing a true revolution in human-machine communication? Just a decade or so ago, the idea of speaking with a computer that understands our commands and responds intelligently, seemed like a plot straight out of a science fiction film. Today, virtual assistants have become a significant part of our everyday life.

Advanced machine learning algorithms and natural language processing technologies provide interactions that feel increasingly human. They answer questions, manage calendars, control smart home devices, and even assist with online shopping. The line between human and machine communication is becoming more and more blurred.

What is an AI assistant?

So, what exactly is an AI assistant? It is an advanced computer program that interacts with users in a human-like manner. It learns, adapts, and responds to the way you communicate daily.

AI assistants utilise natural language processing (NLP) techniques and machine learning. They understand both voice and text commands. You can converse with them just like you would with your friend or family member. Would you like to check the weather, set a reminder, or send a message? Just say the word. The more you use an AI-based tool, the better it understands your needs.

However, AI assistants do more than just respond to queries like ‘What is the weather tomorrow?’. They also control smart home devices, organise your calendar, and even order food. They make you more productive, giving you the space to focus on what is truly important and requires your undivided attention.

AI assistants: History

The history of virtual assistants started much earlier than you might think. The initial steps towards their creation began in the 1960s. Even back then, computer scientists were experimenting with simple programs that could already mimic conversations with humans.

One of the earliest examples, ELIZA, was created by Joseph Weizenbaum in 1966. The program was capable of conducting basic conversations by simulating a therapist. Although its capabilities were limited, ELIZA paved the way for further research and development of the technology.

AI assistant evolution

Subsequent years saw significant advancements. The real breakthrough came in the first decade of the 21st century. In 2001, SmarterChild was introduced, a chatbot available on AOL Instant Messenger and SMS. It allowed users to interact with a more sophisticated AI system. SmarterChild offered responses to simple questions and access to certain online information.

Siri by Apple

A true revolution in the field of AI virtual assistants occurred in 2011 when Apple introduced Siri on the iPhone 4S. Siri was the first widely available virtual assistant. It utilised advanced natural language processing algorithms. Users could engage in smooth conversations and execute specific voice tasks.

Alexa and Google Assistant

This innovation did not go unanswered by other tech giants. In 2014, Amazon launched Alexa along with the Echo smart speaker, and in 2016, Google responded with Google Assistant. Their ability to learn from interactions with users, integration with various services and devices, and continuous evolution has made them indispensable in the daily lives of many people.

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Benefits of an AI assistant

An AI virtual assistant offers numerous advantages, making it an invaluable tool in both everyday life and business. Let’s explore the benefits of using one.

Better time and task management

AI assistants are adept at managing calendars, setting reminders and alarms, and scheduling meetings. This means you no longer have to spend time on minor, time-consuming tasks. Use voice commands. Simply say, ‘Set up a meeting with Client X tomorrow at 10:00 AM’, and your AI meeting assistant will handle the rest.

Personalisation of experiences

Thanks to machine learning, AI assistants learn your preferences and adapt accordingly. The more you interact with them, the better they understand you. For instance, they can suggest music tailored to your taste, create a shopping list based on your dietary habits, and adjust the tone of text messages to match your style.

Easy access to information

Do you need a quick answer to a question? Instead of scouring the internet, simply ask your AI assistant. It has access to a vast database; this means you can get information on almost any topic, including the weather, news, and culinary receipts.

Integration with other devices

AI assistants work smoothly with the devices you use every day: smartphones, laptops, and smartwatches. They also enable you to use home appliances by voice commands.

Support in learning and work

AI assistants serve as personal tools to help you accomplish tasks more efficiently. They aid in effective learning and working. With their help, you can organise notes, conduct research, and even learn a new language.


AI assistants are available 24/7. They are always ready to act whenever you ask for help. This is particularly useful during hours when human support may not be available.

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Application of AI virtual assistants

AI virtual assistants have found their place in many life situations. They provide support for everyday activities and more complex tasks. Their influence can be noted in business, education, and healthcare. Let’s explore how you benefit from artificial intelligence in various situations.

Everyday life

Would you like to listen to music? Check the weather forecast? Find out if you have anything planned on your calendar for Friday? Get answers to questions that intrigue you? Ask your AI assistant for help. It will facilitate your home life. You might control lighting, heating, and security systems without using a physical switch. This convenient solution will also help you to save energy.


AI assistants are revolutionising customer service and process automation. Companies are using AI-based chatbots to handle customer inquiries. Thanks to that, they are able to provide quick responses without the need for staff engagement.

Call centres use AI for first-line support, while virtual assistants manage email inboxes and schedule meetings, becoming tangible support in running a business. This enhances customer loyalty; queries are addressed much faster than usual. Personalised responses sound natural and often fully resolve the issue.

Banks are pioneering in implementing new solutions. They use AI assistants to help manage accounts, respond to customer inquiries, conduct transactions, and provide information about financial products.


In the educational sector, virtual assistants serve as personalised learning tools. Advanced technologies suggest educational materials tailored to students’ needs, offer advice or help organise study time.

Some universities are utilising AI assistants to help students navigate educational resources, plan classes, and provide information about interesting campus events.


AI virtual assistants are valuable aids for both patients and healthcare professionals. Applications are using AI to monitor patient health, remind about medication intake, and make preliminary diagnoses. In hospitals, artificial intelligence assists in managing patient schedules, provides treatment information, and automates certain administrative procedures.

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What should you remember when using artificial intelligence?

While an AI virtual assistant is a tremendous help, there are a few things to keep in mind when using it. Always ensure that you are using a reliable program.

Data protection

When using artificial intelligence, remember that these systems often collect data about your habits and preferences. Check what information is being collected, for what purpose, and how it is stored and protected. Delve into privacy settings and ensure that you have control over the data you share.


Data security is about protection from cyber-attacks and managing access and use of information. Ensure that AI-based services have robust security protocols and are regularly updated. This will protect you against new threats.

Limited trust

AI operates based on the data it has been trained on. For that reason, it might reflect biases present in that data when giving recommendations. Think critically and use common sense regarding important matters concerning health, finances, or education.

If in doubt, seek information about the operation of a particular AI tool or ask service providers for appropriate explanations.

AI tools

AI offers many very useful tools. For example, you can use it to generate texts and pictures – but you can’t completely trust it, because, like humans, AI also makes mistakes, called hallucinations. To avoid unpleasant situations connected to it, use our service Quick Review. Our proofreaders will quickly check your content in one of 100 languages offered by Skrivanek Translation Agency.

Images generated by AI.

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