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Verification of a Translation Made Using ChatGPT

Weryfikacja tłumaczenia

Emerging new technologies pose challenges not only to customers but also to translation agencies. The increasing use of artificial intelligence in translations means that we need to adapt to the changing world and prepare a quotation that meets the customer’s expectations.

Translation Made Using ChatGPT

One such challenge came from a regular customer in the construction industry. We received some website content from them that had been translated into German by their IT department using artificial intelligence.

The first step we took was to determine exactly what service they needed: whether they were interested in a review by comparing the translation text with the original by a translator, or merely proofreading of the ready translation done by a native speaker. Following the phone consultation, we agreed that the best solution would be a review that allows for the maintenance of professional industry terminology. Additionally, we offered them that, for a small extra charge, such a service could be performed by one of our translators – native speakers.

Another very important step was the verification of the text by our translator, whose task was to check whether it was suitable for proofreading. We know from experience that some automatic translations deviate completely from the original text, and their review may be practically impossible or require a large amount of work, comparable to doing the translation from scratch. In this case, the quality was good enough for our translator to undertake such an assignment.

During the proofreading process conducted by our translator, they encountered several problems. Firstly, the title of one of the sections in German was very different from the original in Polish. Only after checking the content found in the description of the process, whose name had been mistranslated, were we able to locate its equivalent in Polish and translate it in line with the original. Another problem was the lack of a translation for the descriptive part of one of the tabs on the customer’s page, as well as the absence of a German translation of the Privacy Policy, which in its original version was in English, not Polish. After consulting with the customer, we translated the missing elements for an additional fee.

Thanks to the prompt reaction of the proofreader and the very good level of communication between the dedicated project manager and the customer, we were able to efficiently resolve all the problems encountered during the service execution. The experience and knowledge our employee possessed allowed us to communicate smoothly with the customer and meet their needs, as well as efficiently solve all the problems.

Implementing such projects teaches us not to approach new inquiries in a schematic way and not to be afraid of new solutions. We are able to adapt to the needs of our customers and professionally offer them a solution tailored to their needs. Thanks to our flexible approach to inquiries and openness to new technologies, we can not only meet their expectations to the best of our ability but also present a satisfying offer.

If you also deal with ChatGPT or any other artificial intelligence tool in your daily work, this is great news – our team is constantly developing its skills in this area and we are eager to help you implement services using these technologies.

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