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Naming – Linguistic Analysis of a Name


There are names that immediately stick in your memory, are “catchy” and known in many corners of the world. The ones that bring a specific product to mind the moment we think of them. These names do not come about by accident – they are the result of a naming process, which demands creativity
and an understanding of the target audience.


What exactly is naming? Well, it refers to the process of creating a name for a brand, product, service, or company. In business, creating a name is a key element in building a brand that will stand out against the competition and attract consumer attention. It is not an easy task, but a well-crafted name offers a significant guarantee of success.

One of our customers approached us, asking us to perform an analysis of names and to select the best possible option. They had prepared a few specific suggestions on their own, from which we were to ultimately prepare three reports for the chosen target names.

For this project, it was essential for us to know that they were looking for a name that relates to the German market for an online store specialising in the sale of electronics. They also emphasised that they wanted the name to be perceived as masculine.

The task was entrusted to one of our native speakers who specialises in these types of projects. The work was divided into two phases.

The first phase included performing a preliminary analysis of the names submitted by them for the selected language (in this case, German). The native speaker assessed the names proposed by the client, according to the criteria prepared by us. The words were analysed in terms of whether they evoked negative feelings in the audience (in the cultural, religious context, etc.), whether they stood out, were easy to remember and pronounce, and so on. While performing this task, the native speaker also shared their subjective assessment regarding the names and selected the three, in their opinion, best proposals. Thanks to the task being entrusted to a person for whom German is their mother tongue, we have gained confidence that the names would be culturally well-placed, and consequently, they should reach the appropriate audience.

The second phase involved conducting a proper analysis of the three names that were selected by the customer after presenting them with the preliminary analysis. In this case, each proposal was described in detail, taking into consideration the criteria of correctness (morphological, orthographic, etc.), articulation (pronunciation in relation to the phonetic system of the language), and semantics (the name’s meaning, its clarity and coherence). Such a detailed analysis, along with a proper summary of each name, was then passed on to our customer, who, thanks to the appropriately created, in-depth reports, could make the final decision on choosing the right name for their business.

Thinking of entering the international market? Looking for a name tailored to your needs? At Skrivanek, we provide full support in this area – from the idea to its complete execution. Come and see what we can do for you!

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