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Localization of the Polonesia Website into English and German


Polonesia is a platform offering online Polish language courses for foreigners at all levels of proficiency. The owner of the company approached us with the need to translate and localize their website ( into English and German. The goal was to reach a broader audience and increase course enrollments. The project involved several specific challenges that required a creative approach and deep understanding of languages and cultures.


Project Scope

The project included the following elements:

  • Analysis of keywords for the German market
  • Translation of selected content from subpages (texts, headings, course descriptions, meta descriptions, etc.)
  • Localization of URL addresses
  • Native English speaker’s proofreading


Translating the Polonesia website involved the following challenges:

  1. Translation of Rhymes: The Polish version of the site included rhymes aimed at making the content more engaging and memorable. For example, the slogan “Raz, dwa, trzy – po polsku liczysz Ty!” posed a challenge due to the need to maintain the rhyme and rhythm in translation while conveying the sense and encouraging language learning.
  2. Adapting URL Addresses into German: German contains diacritical marks (umlauts) that are not accepted in URLs. It was necessary to find a way to transcribe them in a search engine-friendly and user-friendly manner.
  3. Adjusting Politeness Forms: In Polish, the site used the informal form “Ty” when addressing users directly. However, in German and English, politeness forms can differ significantly, requiring consideration of the cultural and linguistic specifics.
  4. Idioms and Expressions: The Polish version included idiomatic expressions like “pogoda pod psem.” It was necessary to find equivalents in English and German that conveyed a similar sense or propose alternative idiomatic expressions related to the weather that would be understandable and natural in the target culture.
  5. SEO Optimization: Translating meta descriptions had to incorporate keywords relevant to the English and German markets to ensure the site’s visibility in the search results.


  1. Language authenticity: The client emphasized the importance of texts sounding as natural as possible and being well-suited for international audiences.


To address these challenges, the following solutions were implemented:

  1. Translation of Rhymes: Translators creatively developed new rhymes in English and German that preserved the sense and rhythm of the original while remaining attractive to the target audiences. For example, the Polish “Raz, dwa, trzy – po polsku liczysz Ty!” was translated into German as “Eins, zwei, drei – Sie sind dran: Zählen Sie auf Polnisch!”
  2. Adapting URL Addresses into German: Following the SEO recommendations, umlauts in URLs were replaced with their equivalents by adding the letter “e,” so “ü” became “ue.” This made the URLs technically correct and user-friendly.

In contrast, localizing URLs in English did not pose a challenge since English does not contain special characters that could complicate their construction.

  1. Adjusting Politeness Forms: Translators adapted the politeness form to the specifics of each language. In German, the formal form “Sie” was used to maintain a professional and polite tone, while in English, “you” was used as the standard in online communication.
  2. Idioms and Expressions: Instead of a literal translation, the German translator suggested “Hundewetter oder wolkenloser Himmel?” and the English translator: “Lovely weather for ducks or cloudless skies?” Both expressions convey a similar sense, comparing bad, rainy weather to ideal weather.
  3. SEO Optimization: Meta descriptions were translated and optimized with keywords relevant to the English and German markets to ensure the site’s visibility in the search results.
  4. Language authenticity: After translation, the English texts were reviewed by a native speaker to enhance the naturalness of the language, eliminate potential grammatical and stylistic errors, and tailor the content to British audiences.

Communication with the client

Throughout the localization process, effective communication with the client was invaluable. The client’s prompt and friendly responses allowed us to address the translators’ questions immediately and react quickly when adjustments were needed. This efficient communication enabled us to adapt to the client’s needs during the project, contributing to its success. The client was always available and willing to provide explanations or guidance, significantly facilitating the translation and localization processes.


Thanks to meticulous localization, the Polonesia website gained a professional and appealing appearance in English and German. Adjusting the politeness forms, idioms, and meta descriptions enabled effective targeting of the intended audience and increased the site’s visibility in the search results. The native English speaker’s proofreading ensured language naturalness and fluency, positively impacting the site’s reception by potential clients.


The Polonesia website translation project demonstrated that translation is not just about translating words from one language to another but also about adapting content to the cultural and linguistic specifics of a given country. A creative approach to translating rhymes and idioms, adjusting politeness forms, and optimizing SEO was crucial. The native English speaker’s correction was essential to ensure language naturalness and fluency. Thanks to a comprehensive approach to translation and localization, the Polonesia website gained the potential to compete effectively on the international market.

We invite you to work with us on your translations and website localizations. Our team of specialists is ready to help adapt your website to meet the needs of international audiences, providing professional and effective solutions. Contact us to learn more about our services and expand your brand’s reach on the global markets.

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