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Cost efficiency in government translation services

Cost efficiency in government translation services, translate documents in foreign languages
Cost efficiency in government translation services, translate documents in foreign languages

Government translation services facilitate communication between government bodies and non-native residents of the country. Translating documents regulations and announcements gives access to the information for everyone, regardless of their language.

The national budget has its limitations, so every action must be well-considered, and translations are no exception. Cost optimisation is about saving without compromising the translation quality. Wise management reforms the entire administration.

What are government translation services?

Translation for state administration typically involves laws, decrees, tax forms, administrative decisions, press releases, and citizen instructions. These services help residents understand their rights and obligations, and assist them in handling official matters.

Each document for translation brings up the costs. Savings in this area can be allocated to other equally important administrative tasks. Well-managed administration builds citizens’ trust in state institutions.

What contributes to the total translation cost?

The primary component of translation cost is the rate per word or page (1,800 characters with spaces for general translation and 1,125 characters with spaces for certified translation). This rate varies depending on the source and target languages, as well as the complexity of the text. Specialist translations are pricier than general ones.

Urgent translations come with additional fees since they require translators to work overtime or prioritise the project over others. Additional costs include proofreading. In some cases, verification by experts in the relevant field also might be necessary.

CAT tools speed up the translation process and reduce costs. However, they involve an initial investment in software licenses and staff training. A small percentage of these costs is included in the translation service fee.

Coordinating a team of translators, communicating with clients, creating schedules, and monitoring progress also incur costs. Larger projects may require hiring a coordinator to manage these tasks.

Challenges in government translation and language services

Administrative documents are filled with complex terms and sentences. Any mistake in translation in the public sector can lead to misunderstandings. A translator must have a thorough understanding of both the source and target languages, as well as the administrative specifics of both countries. Highly educated specialists charge higher fees that reflect their education effort.

State administration produces a high number of documents. Translators must handle heavy workloads under time pressure. To ensure accuracy, they often use specialised dictionaries and terminology databases. Access to these resources is costly and adds to the price of the translation service.

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How can you increase savings in government translation services?

Translation costs can be reduced through automation. While machine translation is not perfect, it speeds up the process significantly when translating large volumes of text.

For traditional translation, well-organised work (defining project stages, assigning responsible employees and setting deadlines) prevents delays and additional expenses. Proper planning and task distribution among a team of translators significantly cuts costs.

CAT software equipped with translation memory (e.g. SDL Trados and MemoQ) helps translators work faster and more accurately. It stores previously translated text segments and suggests them when similar fragments appear in new documents. The translator works on one phrase only once, as the system remembers it.

Outsourcing translation and interpreting services

Outsourcing translation provides access to specialists in various fields and languages whenever needed. Translation agencies complete projects quickly, as they have extensive resources and experience.

When outsourcing, you can commission translations as required without paying a permanent team of translators. However, this service has its drawbacks. External companies usually have higher rates than in-house specialists, so you have to invest wisely to avoid overspending.

First and foremost, check references and reviews from other clients. Good translation agencies have positive feedback and a track record of handling complex projects. Moreover, the chosen company should specialise in legal and administrative translations.

Language service providers and costs

High-quality translations without excessive costs is a key goal for public administration. Automating less critical tasks, such as translations for internal use, helps. Regular training for translators ensures they stay updated with the latest methods and technologies.

Even the best translation companies can make mistakes, so implement additional verification steps. Proofreading catches typos, grammatical errors, and stylistic issues, and accuracy with terminology.

Quality standards safeguard the consistency and correctness of documents. Translators should adhere to established guidelines, such as ISO 17100, which sets requirements for processes and competencies. The administration should also develop internal standards that consider specific working conditions.

Terminology management in administrative translations

Consistent terminology across all administrative documents makes them easier to understand for employees and citizens. Lack of consistency leads to misinterpretation of regulations and legal disputes. To prevent this from happening, it is worth using terminology databases and glossaries.

Terminology databases contain lists of terms along with their translations and definitions. Translators can refer to these databases to use the correct terms in the appropriate context.

Glossaries are useful in large and long-term translation projects. They include lists of key terms used in a specific project, along with their translations and contextual notes.

Machine translation and post-editing for local authorities

Our machine translation system, built on 20 years of experience and powered by neural networks, handles well document translation. Experienced translators then review and adjust the translated text to meet legal and administrative requirements.

We translate from English, Spanish, German, French, and other European languages, as well as less common Asian and African languages. Our agency employs skilled professionals to ensure the success of your translation project.

This approach significantly reduces costs while maintaining data security. All translations adhere to the latest standards. If you are looking for a cost-effective solution for your organisation, get in touch with us!

Photo: AI

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