Interpreting services are among the most challenging activities in the translation industry, and can be divided into simultaneous (interpretation begins and continues as the speaker speaks) and consecutive (interpretation starts after the speaker has finished his speech). They require, above all, a perfect command of both target and source languages, exceptional listening skills, focus, and composure.
At Skrivanek, we utilise both the appropriate conference equipment, compliant with ISO 9001:2015, to ensure high-quality interpreting services, as well as suppliers in multiple language combinations, who always make every effort to meet all your requirements. Therefore, when we received an inquiry in March 2023 from a client in the tobacco industry about the possibility of working on a six-month interpretation project abroad, we undertook the assignment with interest and dedication.
The task was challenging on multiple levels. Given its long-term nature, one of the most important issues was finding for five interpreters suitable accommodation that would also allow them to spend their time off work comfortably, including relaxing after an exhausting interpreting task. Additionally, we arranged transportation from Poland to the destination country, including convenient movement around the city where the interpreting took place. Another issue was ensuring an adequate catering budget for all our suppliers.
Selecting interpreters capable of handling the specialized technical terminology required by the client, the need to work alongside machinery, and at the same time be willing to accept the challenge of a six-month stay in one of the Baltic countries turned out to be simpler than it might seem. Already by September 2023, a group of interpreters was ready to depart from Poland to assist the factory staff in operating the new equipment.
Over the following months, until March 2024, the interpreters worked in shifts at the factory and made every effort to meet the expectations of their employer. The assignment proved to be more highly complex and demanding than initially assumed; however, thanks to arrangements on the part of Skrivanek and the seamless partnership with our interpreters, who were able to adapt to every situation, not only did we fulfil the conditions stipulated in the contract but we also accommodated additional client requests, such as interpreting in different language combinations than those initially assigned to us.
Ultimately, all parties concluded the work on the project with satisfaction and fulfilment. The client has repeatedly informed us how satisfied they are with our project management and the professional work of our interpreters. We, on the other hand, can take pride in the fact that we provided our client with expert services in how we handled their order, making it possible for the work on implementing the new machines in their factory to take place without a language barrier.
We encourage you to take advantage of our consecutive and simultaneous interpretation services. We provide professional equipment and ensure its operation, as well as guaranteeing that you get to work with qualified and reliable interpreters. We are not afraid of long-term contracts beyond the borders of Poland, short-term assignments within our country or online translations. We guarantee professionalism and satisfaction with the work we perform.